Stop Suicide
This comic book has been developed to raise awareness on mental health disorders amongst young people. This comic book also hopes to encourage people to support their relatives dealing with mental health disord…
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Mental Health Ambassadors Initiative under the project “Look Deeper”
“Look Deeper” is a project that aims to educate and develop a tolerant Lithuanian society that has sufficient knowledge about the importance and problems of mental health. One of the means to implem…
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Youth Friendly Health Care Services (JPSPP) – Green Corridor for young people
The project of youth-friendly health care services (JPSPP) is implemented together with the Public Institution Druskininkai Primary Health Care Center and runs the “Green Corridor” for young people…
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Vilnius Psychotherapy Home
At Vilnius Psychotherapy Home, the following services are provided:
Individual psychological counselling;
Individual psychotherapy sessions;
Psychotherapeutic group sessions;
Individual supervisions for psycho…
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To sem jaz – National Institute for Public Health
To sem jaz (eng. The This is Me) is a Youth Mental Health Programme, launched in 2001. It aims to strengthen young people’s mental health and resilience – develop skills and competences that support…
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The Mental Health Barometer – Studo
Austria, Germany, Slovenia
The Mental Health Barometer is a longitudinal study surveying the development of students’ mental health. The study was conducted for the first time in Slovenia in 2022. In a recent survey conducted by t…
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Weekend club for people after mental crises (EU project Community Mental Health Centre Drews)
The weekend club is a place where people after mental crises who are working and studying find support. The following topics are implemented: cognitive function training, art activities, film therapy, hortither…
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The project “Raise awareness on drepression – don’t judge, react!”
The project “Raise awareness on drepression – don’t judge, react!”
Between September and November 2023, meetings will be held with young people in selected schools by a group consisting…
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Partenamut offers a platform for people with mental health disorders to anonymously share their stories or mental health issues in written or voice message format. It provides them with a chance to express thei…
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OMRA is the acronym for the programme ‘Increasing Mental Health Literacy to Manage Mood Disorders’. The main aim is to inform about what mental health is and how to cope with and manage mood disorde…
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NokNok – Flemish Institute for Healthy Living
Belgium is a place where young people get ownership to really get started with scientifically substantiated information, tips and exercises, completely tailored to their needs. The materials they are offering…
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Nisi okej? Povej naprej. – National Institute for Public Health
National campaign against mental health stigma in Slovenia with the main aim to reduce mental health stigma and encourage people to seek help. The campaign is heavily supported by Ambassadors – people who…
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MoodSpace, the check to put your mental health first
MoodSpace offers several tools for young people facing different mental disorders. They have an extensive library about issues regarding mental health; they offer a self-test on their website, which allows indi…
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Mental Health Europe
On the website of Mental Health Europe, besides the theoretical resources, they offer diverse multimedia content, such as podcasts, educational videos and infographics regarding mental health, prevention and ad…
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Health Podcast – Ligue Bruxelloise pour la Santé Mentale
The episodes are aimed primarily at professionals, political authorities, and anyone interested in mental health. The main aim of this series of podcasts is to raise the profile – and hence awareness R…
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Education and information campaign “See the human” – Ministry of Health
The campaign aims to counteract the stigmatisation and self-stigmatisation of people experiencing mental disorders. It will run until the end of 2024. It includes educational material on the project’s web…
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Charity Cheerful Concerts
On the occasion of National Depression Day, the Association has been organising Charity Cheerful Concerts since 2008. Their aim is to draw attention to the problem of depression in a way that is more emotionall…
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Anxiety Clinic – Nerimo klinika
The Anxiety Clinic offers individual consultations, which can help youngsters experience confusion in life, anxiety attacks or panic attacks, suffer from incessant thoughts about worst-case scenarios, struggle…
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Mateusz Waligóra’s expedition – #idziemyzmateuszemwaligora campaign
Mateusz Waligóra’s expedition – action #idziemyzmateuszemwaligora
The polar explorer, personally affected by depression, walked alone and reached the South Pole with a yellow ribbon pinned on as a…
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Youth Line – Jaunimo linija
The emotional support helpline “Youth Line” provides an emotional support where young people can talk with an experienced consultants about any problems they may be facing.
Suicide section. Much inf…
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Živ? Živ! – Andrej Marušič Institute
Živ? Živ! is an online station where experts and people with personal experience write about mental health and suicide. It was developed to be a hub for information, research, and prevention programmes. The a…
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Association Nationale Maison Des Adolescents
In The Houses of Adolescents, professionals listen to adolescents with issues or parents who are worried about the mental health of their child. Seminars or colloquium can be organised. They also inform teenage…
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Fil Santé Jeunes
Fil Santé Jeunes gathers a large number of ready-to-use tools addressed to teenagers, such as:
Articles about various topics in order to deconstruct prejudices
Surveys to understand youth and their relation to…
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Les carnets du secouriste en santé mentale
These notebooks have been created with the opinion of experts in the field of the different disorders addressed in the collection. These professionals in mental health are coming from Australia, Canada, Ireland…
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The numerous free resources available on the website organised in informative, call-to-action and prevention sections. It offers various downloadable and printable open-source materials that can be used in diff…
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Mental Health First Aid France
It is a civic training course that enables everyone to learn how to offer initial support that is better adapted to a person developing a mental disorder or showing signs of worsening a mental disorder or in a…
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