Vilnius Psychotherapy Home

LithuaniaType of structure
Public bodyAction scale
LocalDescription of the organisation
Specialist team (psychologists, psychotherapists) with an extended years of experience provide professional psychological assistance to adults, adolescents, and children. At the Vilnius Psychotherapy Home individual consultations, psychotherapy sessions, group psychotherapy sessions, various seminars are conducted, moreover, specialist supervisions are organised.
Good practice
At Vilnius Psychotherapy Home, the following services are provided:
- Individual psychological counselling;
- Individual psychotherapy sessions;
- Psychotherapeutic group sessions;
- Individual supervisions for psychologists and psychotherapists;
- The following groups are organised: Long-term therapeutic groups to ease eating disorder recovery; Long-term psychotherapy group sessions – “First Hours Group”;
- Psychological group sessions for parents who have experienced a child loss;
- Long-term psychotherapy group session for professionals providing psychological assistance;
- Psychological-educational group sessions for parents – “How to help a child deal with anorexia or bulimia”;
- Psychological-educational effective parenting skills group sessions;
- Existential experience group sessions – “My Being in the World”.
- Supervision groups are organised for: Beginning specialists (in-person and remotely);
- Specialists working with adolescents and their families.
Various support groups are held for individuals experiencing eating disorders and for their loved ones; psychological-educational group sessions for parents; group for adolescents and youth; eating disorder recovery group.
Target audience
For young people aged 14-29Deconstructed stereotypes
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