Les Apprimeurs
Les Apprimeurs is a French company specialized in the creation of tailor-made digital solutions for the education, culture and training sectors. We work to promote
basic and soft skills and access to knowledge for all through trainings, workshops, interactive ebooks and platforms development.

Zavod Risa
The Risa Institute, Center for General, Functional, and Cultural Literacy, is a non-governmental organisation in the public interest in the fields of culture and social care. From its establishment in 2011 until 2018, the institute operated as an exclusively volunteer organization. We operate in the field of easy reading, personal assistance, advocacy and self-advocacy – for individuals in society facing unequal and vulnerable positions, particularly related to mental health. We also implement numerous national and European projects, where we develop solutions and tools that we use in our regular programs and for the development of the areas in which we operate.

Druskininku jaunimo uzimtumo centras
Druskininkai Youth Activity Centre is a lithuanian Public Institution committed to open youth work. Focusing on activities and self-realization of young people aged 14-29. Specializing in diverse activities, addressing leisure challenges through non-formal education. Accredited in Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps, excel in project implementation as hosting, coordinating, and sending organization. Centre encourages collaborations, fosters innovative ideas and promotes local and international volunteering opportunities.

Fundacja ARTeria
ARTeria Foundation was established in 2006. We are a non-profit organization. We implementavariety of projects and programs, primarily related to supporting artists and representatives ofcreative industries, development of the broadly understood cultural and creative sector, as well aslocal communities. In our activities we are based on three ideas: culture without borders, innovativeeducation and multidimensional cooperation.Our goal is to create a forum for the clash of views and the search for mutual values, as well as toseek solutions to the problems of the modern world in the spiritof openness and interculturaldialogue. ARTeria is a member of two international networks: Culture Action Europe and ENCATC.

Logopsycom is an education innovation center that creates and uses alternative methods or tools (digital or not) to accompany schools, VET centers, educational organizations, youngsters and parents. It was initially created as a care company, specialized on learning disorders, among youngsters, especially in “Dys” (Dyspraxia, Dysphasia, Dyslexia, etc.), also called Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and therefore always works on the accessibility of content.