Youth Line – Jaunimo linija

LithuaniaType of structure
Youth Line is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation operating with the support of private individuals, businesses, and the state.Action scale
NationalDescription of the organisation
The organisation, which has been operating since 1991, employs about 400 volunteers (in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Skuodas), providing services around the clock and throughout the year.
Motto Don’t be alone – we’re here to hear you. We know that talking helps.
The mission of the Youth Line is volunteers who listen, hear, and encourage to speak.
Youth Line is one of the oldest non-governmental organisations in Lithuania and one of the largest services provider‘s of free emotional support by phone and internet that operates in Lithuania. Anyone who is in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or is at risk of suicide can contact 24/7, 365 days a year, volunteers are here to hear everyone out via free telephone line or online chat.
Good practice
The emotional support helpline “Youth Line” provides an emotional support where young people can talk with an experienced consultants about any problems they may be facing.
Suicide section. Much information about suicide, self-help, help for others, coping with the loss of a friend or a loved one, and dispelling myths.
Engagement on social media. “Youth Line” actively utilises social media to reach out to young people. They promote their activities and relevant news, encourage discussions, and invite young individuals to participate in their work.
Consultations with specialists: when necessary, “Youth Line” can refer young people to psychologists, psychiatrists, or other professionals who can provide professional assistance.
Youth conferences and seminars: they frequently organise events where young people can meet, share experiences, and receive valuable information on various aspects of life.